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Reiki – What is it? How does it benefit us?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique rediscovered in the mid-1800s by a Japanese-born Buddhist monk, Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is an alternative healing therapy and medicine used alone or with medical treatments. Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: rei and ki. Rei means "higher power" or "spiritual power." Ki means "energy or life force." Putting it together, Reiki can be translated as "spiritual life force energy."

It is basically an energy healing technique that uses "hands-on" (in person) and also "hands-off" healing (distance healing).

This technique can assist in relieving or reducing pain and discomfort by balancing the body's energy centers, more commonly known as the chakras.

However, every lightworker or healer has their own perception and explanation of Reiki as per their divine connection and experiences with the Reiki healing technique. In simple words, Reiki is:

Universal energy surfaces and makes its way through galaxies in our hearts.

It is also known as the universal love energy.

Nothing is better than healing yourself and others through energy based on love.

We all know we are made up of energy. Sometimes this energy gets stagnant and creates blockages in our bodies and auric fields that manifest as dis-ease in our lives (a dis-ease is a form of discomfort).

It may be in the form of a physical issue, a mental issue, or an emotional issue.

Reiki energy is the fundamental essence of Divinity and unblocks and clears all this stagnant energy in your body and as well for the clients.

It helps rejuvenate and re-calibrate your body to the purest form of light encoding (we are all a part of this divine light).

According to renowned healer Angie Buxton-King, We have a physical body surrounded by an energy field. When we become unwell physically, emotionally, or mentally, this unbalances our energy field. A healer channels energy through his or her hands and, by gently placing hands on the physical body (or just above it), facilitates the re-balancing of the energy field, which in turn may ease symptoms physically and mentally, and emotionally".

According to Dr. Mikao Usui, we must follow the five main principles of Reiki in our lives to benefit from Reiki's positive effects. Try these, and you will definitely see the difference in yourself:

Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry. 
Just for today, I will be grateful. 
For today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.


 The following are the issues that can be assisted with Reiki:

Anxiety management.

As a pain-relieving strategy

As a supportive measure, through unpleasant and/or painful procedures like lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspirate, and liver biopsy,

It lessens the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the gastrointestinal tract.

It engenders a sense of control.

Enhance compliance with treatment regimens.

Enhance coping.

It enhances the immune response.

It helps in improving the quality of life.

This increases confidence and self-esteem.

It assists the patient during the dying process or on the death bed, especially when the soul cannot leave the body when its time is over.

The treatment of the above issues depends on the disease and the patient's receptivity to the healing process. Every patient has different causes or reasons for illness, and the treatment is done accordingly. However, Reiki is not a replacement for medical science treatments; it is a support system to enhance the remedy to heal or recover the patient from disease or pain. Reiki can, however, be combined with other healing methods, such as crystals and other modalities.

There are many different aspects to Reiki. However, we will discuss them later.

This will bring awareness to the concept of Reiki and its benefits.

Love, Light, Peace, Gratitude, and Blessings to all…!!!
Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

#soul #brain #life #spirit #health #body #love #heart #meditation #healing #chakras #stressfree #energy #lifeforce

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