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Chakras - The Energy Vortexes

Have you been thinking lately about how Energy (life force) impacts our body, mind, and emotions? Then you must read the following to understand it better.

As we have already discussed and explained the Energy (life force) and its connection with "Reiki" in the previous article, we will discuss how this Energy flows through our human body.

Life force Energy is like an electric current or electromagnetic force that flows through our body to keep the life force organized and alive, ensuring our existence, health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), and well-being. 

This life force is governed and managed by the "chakras" in our Energy or subtle bodies (the Energy Vortex). Just as we have circuit points to enable and ensure accurate flow of electric current, the same way these chakras are vortex points to manage the flow of Energy and life force in our bodies, keeping us connected with the energies of Mother Earth and the Universe.

In traditional spiritual expression, we are like trees, with roots below our feet into the earth and branches above our heads. See the below image:

If we elaborate on modern scientific expression, our physical body is like "hardware." Our mind is like "software," with further classification into "conscious mind," which works as a front-end application (GUI), and "subconscious mind," which functions as "firmware" (the coding, updates, and upgrades to keep the software up-to-date and in compliance with the latest challenges and technology).

These "Chakras" may get "Active, Under-active, Blocked or Overactive," hence affecting the free flow of the energy life force throughout all our bodies (physical, emotional, mental, energy (subtle) body), thus causing disease (Dis-Ease).

This disease can be physical, mental, emotional, or energetic blockages such as anger, anxiety, illness or fatigue, tumors or cancers, depression or low confidence, financial blockages, karmic blockages, negative Energy, fears, guilt, negative beliefs, entities, negative thoughts or attitude towards life manifesting adverse circumstances or events in our lives. The symptoms can include other factors or related disease functions as well. However, we have tried to capture the most common diseases or issues prevalent and reported by our clients.

These "chakras" may also have deep-rooted issues, energy blockages, or energetic cords connected to a person, situation, fear, belief, trauma, places, or sometimes past lives, including current life events.

The blocks here can be deep mind conditioning since many past lives, present lives and situations, experiences, upbringing, and belief systems can affect the free and smooth flow of Energy in our bodies through these energy vortexes called chakras.

The below picture illustrates what chakras look like in our subtle bodies:

The issues related to chakras sometimes require root-level work or healing depending on internal psychology and subconscious or subliminal mind programming with specific beliefs or fears. In our upcoming post, we will discuss the topic of the seven chakras and how they impact our lives in detail.

Love, Light, Peace, Gratitude, and Blessings to all…!!!
Tejaswini (a.k.a Sakshi Vaashiisht)

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